मंगलवार, चैत्र ४,२०८१ 03:03:27
IME remit
  • मंगलवार, चैत्र ४,२०८१ 03:03:27
प्रचण्ड गर्मीका कारण हजमा गएका १ हजार बढी तीर्थयात्रीको मृत्यु

प्रचण्ड गर्मीका कारण हजमा गएका १ हजार बढी तीर्थयात्रीको मृत्यु

काठमाण्डौ । साउदी अरेबियामा अत्यधिक गर्मीका कारण १ हजार बढी हज तीर्थयात्रीको मृत्यु भएको छ । मुश्लिम धर्मावलम्बीहरुको पवित्र तीर्थस्थल मक्का मदिनामा हजमा सहभागी हुन गएका १ बजार बढी तीर्थालु अत्यधिक गर्मीका कारण मृत्यु भएको इजिप्टका अधिकारीले बताएका छन् ।  मृत्यु हुनेमा आधिभन्दा बढी इजिप्टका रहेको अधिकारीले बताएका छन् । इजिप्ट सरकारले अनाधिकृत रुपमा तीर्थयात्रीहरुलाई...

हाम्रो बारेमा

Bizshala.com, operated by SOS Media Pvt. Ltd., stands as Nepal's premier financial news portal. With a keen focus on the economy, capital markets, real estate, banking and financial institutions, merchant banking, investment tools, insurance, tourism, the automotive industry, and beyond, it delivers fresh, in-depth, and investigative reporting. Since its inception, Bizshala has rapidly emerged as the nation's leading economic news platform, driven by a team of seasoned and accomplished financial journalists. Committed to delivering investigative, accurate, and innovative content, Bizshala approaches every story through a distinct economic lens, catering to the interests and curiosities of its readers.

Global IME Bank Limited
Global IME Bank Limited