सोमबार, चैत्र ३,२०८१ 10:11:36
IME remit
  • सोमबार, चैत्र ३,२०८१ 10:11:36
IME remit
Global IME Bank Limited

कच्चा तेलको मूल्य २% भन्दा बढीले बढ्यो, प्रतिब्यारेल कतिमा हुँदैछ कारोबार ?

Hyundai Nepal
कच्चा तेलको मूल्य २% भन्दा बढीले बढ्यो, प्रतिब्यारेल कतिमा हुँदैछ कारोबार ?
Nabil Bank Limited

काठमाण्डौ । अन्तराष्ट्रिय बजारमा कच्चा तेलको मूल्य बढेको छ । पछिल्लो कारोबार सत्रमा कच्चा तेलको मूल्य २ प्रतिशतभन्दा बढीले बढेको छ । ब्रेन्ड क्रुडको मूल्य २.२५ प्रतिशत अर्थात १.६७ डलरले बढेर प्रतिब्यारेल ७६.०५ डलर पुगेको छ ।    

Shivam Cement
CG Motors

यस्तै डब्लुटीआई क्रुडको मूल्य पनि २.२७ प्रतिशत अर्थात १.५९ डलरले बढेको छ । यो वृद्धिसँगै डब्लुटीआई क्रुडको मूल्य प्रतिब्यारेल ७१.७८ डलर कायम भएको छ ।  

Laxmi Sunrise Bank Limited
Sagarmatha Cement

बढ्दो भू–राजनीतिक तनावका कारण पछिल्लो समय कच्चा तेलको मूल्य निरन्तर वृद्धि भईरहेको छ । 

Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited
Shivam Cement
New Office
Shikhar Insurance

हाम्रो बारेमा

Bizshala.com, operated by SOS Media Pvt. Ltd., stands as Nepal's premier financial news portal. With a keen focus on the economy, capital markets, real estate, banking and financial institutions, merchant banking, investment tools, insurance, tourism, the automotive industry, and beyond, it delivers fresh, in-depth, and investigative reporting. Since its inception, Bizshala has rapidly emerged as the nation's leading economic news platform, driven by a team of seasoned and accomplished financial journalists. Committed to delivering investigative, accurate, and innovative content, Bizshala approaches every story through a distinct economic lens, catering to the interests and curiosities of its readers.

Global IME Bank Limited
Global IME Bank Limited