IME remit
  • बुधबार, चैत्र ५,२०८१ 10:32:19
भारतीय खेलले बिग्रियो एमाले-कांग्रेसको हिसाबकिताब, गठबन्धन सरकार ढल्ने सम्भावना बढ्यो

भारतीय खेलले बिग्रियो एमाले-कांग्रेसको हिसाबकिताब, गठबन्धन सरकार ढल्ने सम्भावना बढ्यो

काठमाण्डौ । तीव्र गतिमा विकास भइरहेका राजनीतिक घटनाक्रमहरुलाई आधार मान्ने हो भने नेपाली कांग्रेस–नेकपा एमालेको प्रमुख साझेदारी रहेको गठबन्धन सरकार जुनसुकै बेला ढल्नसक्ने सम्भावना देखिएको छ ।  कांग्रेसले एमालेसँग गठबन्धन गरेर सरकार बनाएदेखि नै मन नपराउने राष्ट्रिय अन्तराष्ट्रिय शक्तिहरुको तीव्र चलखेल र केही नाटकीय घटनाक्रमहरुलाई हेर्दाे निकै शक्तिशाली ठानिने...

हाम्रो बारेमा, operated by SOS Media Pvt. Ltd., stands as Nepal's premier financial news portal. With a keen focus on the economy, capital markets, real estate, banking and financial institutions, merchant banking, investment tools, insurance, tourism, the automotive industry, and beyond, it delivers fresh, in-depth, and investigative reporting. Since its inception, Bizshala has rapidly emerged as the nation's leading economic news platform, driven by a team of seasoned and accomplished financial journalists. Committed to delivering investigative, accurate, and innovative content, Bizshala approaches every story through a distinct economic lens, catering to the interests and curiosities of its readers.