IME remit
  • मंगलवार, चैत्र १९,२०८१ 03:05:21


सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं. ८८६/०७५-७६ सोस मिडिया प्रा.लि.का लागि अध्यक्ष / सम्पादक : सोमनाथ बास्तोला डेस्क : धर्म मलासी समाचार संयोजक : अर्जुन तिमल्सिना कार्यालय: पेप्सीकोला, काठमाडौं समाचारका लागि : ०१-५९२३३९४, ९८५१०१५३९४, विज्ञापनका लागि सम्पर्क : ०१-४९९३१९७, ९७०३०११६२६ इमेल : [email protected], operated by SOS Media Pvt. Ltd., stands as Nepal's premier financial news portal. With a keen focus on the economy, capital markets, real estate, banking and financial institutions, merchant banking, investment tools, insurance, tourism, the automotive industry, and beyond, it delivers fresh, in-depth, and investigative reporting. Since its inception, Bizshala has rapidly emerged as the nation's leading economic news platform, driven by a team of seasoned and accomplished financial journalists. Committed to delivering investigative, accurate, and innovative content, Bizshala approaches every story through a distinct economic lens, catering to the interests and curiosities of its readers.

सूचना विभाग दर्ता नं. ८८६/०७५-७६ सोस मिडिया प्रा.लि.का लागि अध्यक्ष / सम्पादक : सोमनाथ बास्तोला डेस्क : धर्म मलासी समाचार संयोजक : अर्जुन तिमल्सिना कार्यालय: पेप्सीकोला, काठमाडौं समाचारका लागि : ०१-५९२३३९४, ९८५१०१५३९४, विज्ञापनका लागि सम्पर्क : ०१-४९९३१९७, ९७०३०११६२६ इमेल : [email protected]

Bizshalaका विज्ञापनहरु

हाम्रो बारेमा, operated by SOS Media Pvt. Ltd., stands as Nepal's premier financial news portal. With a keen focus on the economy, capital markets, real estate, banking and financial institutions, merchant banking, investment tools, insurance, tourism, the automotive industry, and beyond, it delivers fresh, in-depth, and investigative reporting. Since its inception, Bizshala has rapidly emerged as the nation's leading economic news platform, driven by a team of seasoned and accomplished financial journalists. Committed to delivering investigative, accurate, and innovative content, Bizshala approaches every story through a distinct economic lens, catering to the interests and curiosities of its readers.

Global IME Bank Limited
Global IME Bank Limited